Tuesday, 4 September 2012

French and biology....

I should start translating my French assignment..... due tomorrow - too lazy ight now...

I should study for biology...... exam on Thursday - too busy right now...

GOSH! I have to do something now.... French it is!!

Adios bitchachos :P

Busy, late, and lazy...

... the story of my life.

This will be a very - very! - uninteresting post.

The main point is that I'm always busy, usually late, and to top it all I'm lazy.

Ballet on Mondays, art school on Wednesdays, and ballet and contemporary dance on Thursdays.
Tuesdays are my lazy days, Fridays are my weekends. The weekends are filled with schoolwork, sleeping and laziness.

(this seems like a poem :P)

.... (gosh my life seems boring xD) .... (to be brutally honest it sort of is)

Anywhoozies, I get stuff done, most of the time. That's all that matters, right? (at least in the world of education I guess getting stuff done is the main thing, besides learning stuff, getting good grades, understanding the teacher, getting up at 6 AM, staying up until 1 AM, overworking your brain with chemistry and physics, alongside biology and philosophy.....)


*end of story*