Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Candy-filled questions..

Okay, so thanks to the Chocolate Skulls I am now in a so called ''candy mode'' which basically means that I'm in the mood for candy (seems legit, right?).

My first, and perhaps most amazing subject of wondering; candy corn!!!!

- does NOT look like corn (but sure looks like candy) => why is it called candy corn?!

As always (usual) Wikipedia has the answer; go check for yourself - if you're interested :P

Next off - Jelly Belly jelly beans!!

- sure look like beans
- have a jelly filling ("belly")
-are totally d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s-!!
=> FINLAND, Y U NO SELL JELLY BEANS?? (the real ones, ofc we have fake beans, but who likes those?!)

 How about Gummy bears?
Naaahh - those are plain gummy, but how about a worm? Or a HUGE GIGANTIC gummy worm?

And why not just add the gummy bear (times 1400);

Yuk.... those ginormous things make me feel sick... although I have nothing against gummy-candy, those are just WAY over the top..... in a bad way!

Y U MAKE THEM SO BIG?! Plus, theyre only yummy when they're multi-flavour, not just one jelly-gummy flavour :S

Thankfully we still have our beloved skittles!! Best candy ever!!!!!
......... and their YouTube-page where you can "Touch the Untouchable" :P

Have a nice day :D


Chocolate skulls ~yum

Found this on the funny-amazing-awesome-random part of our beloved internet :

It. Looks. Delicious!

I mean, I'n not a fan of skulls - but DANG these looks yummy-yummy-yum-yum!

"Delicious drooling moments" for all of you ;)


Got my head X-rayed.. and stuff

WOAH just got to Dad's office after getting my head X-rayed... Doctor had told me to get it done in order for her to see if my nearly constant sinusitis could be caused by some bone-structure-weridness - extremely fascinating ;)

The whole process was really fast and I was done in a few minutes - I didn't even have time to sit down and wait before I got called into the X-raying-room.
Then I had to strip myself of any metals around my neck and head - this meant necklace and two bobby pins :P
My head got a seatbelt, my chin got a cup to sit in, and two bars were put in fron of my ears - any kind of head movement was impossible (don't really know why the "X-person" was worried of me moving around and ruining the image :P )

Now I'm chillaxing @ Dad's office for a few hours, after which we're heading for IKEA :DD

Have a sunny day ♥
