Tuesday 17 January 2012

Words from A to Z

Words with images :D (some mayn not have pictures cause of.... youll notice)

Don't ask why I'm doing this... I honestly don't know...

A; anorexia - is something you should not want, so please keep eating :)

B; bananas - are yellow and curved xD
C; CD's - are soooo out.. atleast in my opinion :D everyone uses Spotify or iTunes etc. etc.
D; dancing - is amazing :D
E; eating - ♥♥♥♥♥
F; fun - is fun :))
G; Google - is a freaking miracle-machine
H; hatred - isn't nice :/
I; - am myself :D
J; - the first letter of my name
K; kingdom - need I say more?
L; the Lion King - is an awesomely amazing lovelylovely movie ^^ ♥

M; monsters - can be scary

N; nothing - should be over-rated

O; orchids - are beautiful :)

P; peace - is the way to go :D

Q; questions - may not have answers

R; raisins - are dried grapes :P

S; Sony and Samsung - brand of lappy and brand of phone :D

T; t.A.T.u. - amazing band :)

U; UGG's - are not my style

V; videos - are all over YouTube

W; why - is one amazing word :D

X; - is the sign of a treasure :D

Y; yawning - makes you look like a hippo... atleast sort of :P

Z; zebras - are stripy creatures :D


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