Friday 23 March 2012

To change or not to change?

Hey again everyone, I have a problem...

No, it's not as dramatic as the title may sound - but it's huge.. or well, big at least ;)

I'm not sure wheter or not I should change some thing son here? like, layout, colours, background?? After all - spring is coming :D (here at least :P the snow is leaving :D)

Sooooo..... I was thinking I could ask you (even tho there are usually very few comments, and tons of views *sigh*)

EITHERWAY;do you think I should change this to a more colourful thing? Or is it good the way it is?? Blaablaaaa, suggestions please :D



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. hahah isses comment ha blivi poistettu ;D. Men laga vit bakgrund me typ någogult typ dedä it's okay im still awesome ;) t. you know!
