Saturday 19 January 2013

Random absence-excuses

Hellows again everyone - it's been ''a while'' ;)

The thing is I really haven't had much time at all + I don't know what to tell (?)....
Can you believe that?! I - Jenny the amazing talker - don't know what to tell !!

First things first - Christmas is over now guys :P No more carols or decorations (!!) Lights outside are okay, ' cause it's so f-ing dark up here!!

AND There's an exchange student at our school! I've totally forgot/not-had-time to tell you before, but now I am, so no worries - Hakuna Matata ;)

NOW I'll pick myself up and tell you tons of things in separate posts, so be expecting a LOAD during today and tomorrow (weekend yay!)

- I'll cut off my hair
- ''prom'' is approaching
- clothes and what to do if you're like me
- some pictures from school (of the school-year so far)

TTYS (talk to you soon)
//jz ♥ 

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