Saturday 19 March 2011

continuing abortion topic...

Okj soo.. I don't think I'll ever get a clear simple yes or no answer on wether or not abortion is the right thing to do since it's really a personal thing, and each person who has to decide wheter or not to do it decides for themselves and no one can control that choice.. apart from the person in question of cource : )
  Anyways, t.A.T.u. has made a song called Beliy Plaschik (video here) which is about abortion.. actually it's an anti-abortion video (confirmed by Yulia and Lena themselves) and that video is actually really really emotional.. well, for me at least.

Here's a comment from the English video for the song (in English it's called White robe link here):
The song is against abortions. In the video Lena is a prostitute before changing into her uniform. Julia is pregnant in jail and is sentenced to death for (I think) prostitution. Lena and the firing squad shoot her. The phone ringing at the end is a call to say that Julia was innocent.
The irony is that Lena shot Julia for her own crime. It's the guilty killing the innocent.
That symbolizes abortion- the baby is killed even though it was the mother who made the mistake.

And it makes sense (the part with prostitution and jail and shoting and everything) cause that's surely what it looks like... *shudders* jeez I hate videos (especially music videos) with a hidden message.. *shudders again*

Soooo yea.. I'm still a bit against the idea of abortions, but one may choose for oneself.. I won't do an abortion if I'd get pregnant before finishing my studies cause I'm sure my mom would be glad to help with caring for the baby ^^

Hmm.. every abortion should have a story behind it, but if the story is just
''I had sex and got pregnant''
''Did you use protection?''
''No, why should I??''
''Just asking... how old are you?''
''I'm 12''

I don't think it's a good one.. but in THAT case ; PLEASE do something.. don't keep the baby.. as much as I hate to say it, that would be the right thing to do in my opinion...

Okj now I really have to get back to my Finnish project (about a fame person :P) so I'll get back here when I'm done.. which will take a while :PP

for nowww.. BYEEE!!! ^^

1 comment:

  1. i would have to agree.. like.. abortion is not the right way to go.. theres a think called as "think before you act" .. and people should really abide by that.. if you cant control your emotions.. carry a condom.. and @guys readin this .. if you really love or care about your girl.. you would never let her go through this
