Friday 18 March 2011

@ gdad's place :D today's subject: abortion..?

*siggghhh* annnddd so I've survived another sort of weird day of school.. many reasons - few answers (need explanation; message me on fb or something)
  Okj soo, I just read a friend's blog and she had written about abortion and wheter it's right or wrong.. People who know me might be aware of the fact that I don't like abortions.. I think people should be mature enough before starting to ''risk getting pregnant'' so that they won't catch a baby suddenly.. If, however, the person getting pregnant (sounds like some kind of a product 'Get your own pregnancy HERE!!! today -50%!!!' okj.. weird) is only 12 or something I can see why she'd like to get an abortion.. but then again I still think it's sort of wrong.. I mean, even if the child is only a few millimeters long it's still alive.. and I'm against killing.. unless it's to end suffering (for example putting old and sick dogs to sleep) annd in this case the ''mom'' might be the one in pain and suffering.. so it's technically okay.. according to that logic.. WAAAA I'm confused!..
Will continue this post at home...



  1. you read it from my blog :D men ja tycker att människor borde få göra abort om dom vill och tror att dom inte kan eller är annors bara int färdiga att bli en mamma.
    Nu när jag tänker efter så sku ja hålla mitt barn OM jag sku bli gravid o dessutom så kan kandomen fara sönder och dom är inte alltid 100% säkra

  2. yeapp I did.. joo alltså ja mee.. men ja tycker int ändå att d e kiva.. men såklart om man int haa en annan utväg så e d ju ofc helt okj :D
